Read the statement which he shared on his Facebook wall below...
Today at the Nigerian Senate, we passed a Bill to Criminalize Sexual
Harassment in Nigerian Universities for its Second Reading.
Many young Nigerian boys and girls suffer at the hands of lecturers,
fellow students and those in administrative positions of power when they
seek to further their education in our universities.
This bill, once passed and signed into law, will help
stamp out all forms of harassment to make our schools more conducive
for our students.
I can attest to the fact that I have received anonymous emails and
messages urging the Senate to make sexual harassment in our universities
a criminal offence. In this regard, as we have taken this pivotal step
to get this bill off the ground, I enjoin members of the civil society
and students across the country to join in the process to make sure that
this bill is passed and signed, so that students can receive the
protection and backing of the law as they pursue their education.