You stood by me through battles and storms" Ibidun Ajayi-Ighodalo celebrates husband on 10th wedding anniversary

Former Face of Lux and CEO of Elizabeth R Event management firm, Ibidunni Ajayi-Ighodalo and her husband Pastor Itua Ighodalo are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary today.

She posted never-see-before photos from the wedding on Instagram to celebrate her husband for his support and love as they struggle with infertility. The couple got married in 2007 and are yet to have children. Read her touching post below:

"Where has 10 years gone....... My heart, my soulmate, my one true love..... thank you for being an extension of Gods love to me.... thank you for being a provider, protector and my priest, you have proved beyond a shadow of doubt that this day 10 years ago I made the best decision of my life by taking and accepting you as my husband to have and to hold..... doing life with you has had its ups and downs ,tough days , tough weeks,tough decisions but God was there, seated on his throne, wondered if he had forsaken us little did I know he had His plans ...  
You stood by and with me against ALL odds, through the storms... through our fiercest battles and storms where I almost lost my were there, unwavering, unflinching, unbending and ever resolute.... He saw us from the foundations of the earth as I look back I call him 'ONISE IYANU ' in our lives and sweetie even though with the very tough times I will do it all over again because from the foundations of the earth we were ordained. May our love continue to grow deeper, wax stronger and taste sweeter by the grace of God who loves us both unconditionally...Ituah, my life, my love, my sunshine I love you forever and a day more...... and I give myself to you all over again forever......#10years #OniseIyanu #MyWeddingDay #NeverBeenSeenBefore #EternalLove #MyEndlessLove

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