24th October, 2016.

His Excellency, President Mohammadu Buhari GCFR
President and C-in-C of the Armed Forces of Nigeria
Aso-Rock Villa, Abuja.

Your Excellency,


With due respect and honour to indefatigable President and Commander-in- Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, President Mohammadu Buhari GCFR; The anti-corruption Crusader.
I enthusiastically write once again to inform Mr. President concerning Nigeria Police despicable, lawless and recalcitrant insinuations that tend to undermine the fight against corruption and the CHANGE MANTRA your administration has sincerely been drumming, that has rekindled and equally re-energized some of us, your foot Soldiers with the zeal to fight the canker worm, expose and tame corruption that is secretly perpetrated in high places by those Your Excellency so trusted- The Nigeria Police.
2. Your Excellency, am saying this in the light of the realities that, fighting and exposing corruption is challenging, it involves risk-taking, courage, boldness, determination, facts and substantiative prove, to lay claims, beyond mere allegations and, unless whistle blowers are supported to get the culprits nailed, it may look a mere futile exercise taken such a risk. The NGO has stood firm in her determination to expose the persistent fraud and massive corruption involving Trillion of Naira that has been siphoned quietly and is still on-going in the road traffic control subsector, perpetrated by Nigeria Police and unabated. It is condoned by the hierarchy of the Police institution; which also had remained detrimental to the economy of the nation.
3 Your Excellency, in getting to the root of such massive brigandage, economic sabotage and rebellion, our initial interest had been that of fighting to liberate the moribund Traffic Warden Service (a separate Establishment) from the fraudulent illusions created by Nigeria Police that led to the unconscionable conscription of the Traffic Warden Service to come under the Nigeria Police in 1975. This was done owing particularly to Nigeria Police greed and glutinous vested interest on the road traffic control function. It was on this mission the NGO discovered that, the Nigeria rebellious Police is heartlessly involved in mass corruption, where the Police quietly enrich their pockets, depriving and robbing the nation of such unquantifiable amount of accruable revenue from the road traffic activities. Such has not placed anyone in doubt why the Nigeria Police are always hell-bent, insisting on being part of the road traffic subsector; not willing to relinquish or vacate the road traffic subsector for another Agency; in-spite of the abysmal failure the Police have recorded in the subsector and the establishment of the Traffic Warden Service, set-up to handle the road traffic control subsector.
4. Your Excellency, the NGO has painstakingly sponsored the Traffic Warden Service Bill (SB.100) currently undergoing legislative process in the National Assembly and at the verge of its eventual passage into law as an Act of the National Assembly. This is to reposition the Traffic Warden Service back to her statutory function on the road. The Nigeria Police have disobediently refused to either handover the subsector to the Traffic Warden Service Establishment nor prepared to allow the right thing to be done to correct the anomalies around the subsector, to alleviate the horrible experience by Road Users. The NGO has in the light of that development meticuously articulated an intellectual and innovative programme tagged: The Traffic Warden Service Project which ultimate goal is:-
(a)  to reposition the Traffic Warden Service back to her statutory function on the road; for the Establishment to have focus, concentrate her energies and research on the road traffic control function, as her primary function.
(b) to overhaul, restructure, inject purposefulness and the scientific innovations required in the Road Traffic Control Subsector.
(d) to curb the huge man-hours that the nation had been losing as a result of terrible traffic gridlocks and congestions in and around our metropolitan cities and urban roads.

(c) to make the road beneficiary to the Government particularly and the Road Users generally, by officially and properly coordinating the various potential revenue-yielding windows around the road traffic activities and appropriate same into the Coffers of the Federal Government, for road maintenance purposes and to boost the nation’s GDP.
(e) In the process, create mass employment for hungry, frustrated and desperate Nigerians through the Traffic Warden Service.

Your Excellency, what is wrong with such workable, pragmatic and innovative programme that would support the nation’s economy that is currently in recession and create mass employment to the people? Why would any right-thinking and patriotic Nigerian (whether a Policeman or a Senator) have negative objection over this Bill, if not for corruption, greed and egoistic tendency?  It is only the Nigeria Police that is not comfortable with the Bill to emancipation of the Traffic Warden Service and overhaul the road traffic subsector to the collective advantage of Nigerians and the nation.
5. Your Excellency, as enunciated above, the Nigeria Police, driven by maniacal greed, have been siphoning and depriving the nation of such huge unquantifiable revenue from the road. Owing to such secret greedy interest, massive corruption and what the Nigeria Police are quietly realizing and shared from the subsector to themselves alone, the Police are not willing to part with the function. These are the reasons behind why the Police are uncomfortable with the Traffic Warden Service Bill, as the Bill has to block the loopholes for such illegalities, economic sabotage and expose such perpetrated massive fraud involving Nigeria Police. On getting wind of the Bill, the Police are now around the National Assembly running helter-skelter, using monetary inducement and bribery to flatter Senators and interfering on the Legislators’ function, to kill the Bill. Senator Abu Ibrahim (Katsina South) and his colleagues in the Senate Committee on Police Affairs, are unmindfully in the centre of such greed and anti-development collaboration and campaign of deceit, supporting Nigeria Police unilateral actions, lawlessness and misuse of power against the nation, supporting the Police to promote inequality in the society; helping the Nigeria Police to further intensify their illegalities and fraudulent activities and corruption in the subsector; to further deprive the  government of her due accruable revenue from this subsector. These Senators have been bribed by the Police to kill the all-encompassing Bill, to render the nation continuously deprived and groaning in economic recession, while the Police further their massive corruption and economic sabotage against the nation.
Your Excellency, the manner the shallow-minded Emissaries of Nigeria Police hierarchy invaded the National Assembly, harassing Senators to do their bidding on the TWS Bill, with total disregard to the rule of law and as if bribery and corruption is legalized. Such act is despising to the Office of Mr. President and the C-in-C; the scenario makes caricature of the fight against corruption. It is shameful. It is a rape of democracy. It raises doubt; if the government is really fighting corruption? Are the Nigeria Police sacred cows or above the law? It is despising, unethical and corrupt for Nigeria Police to summon Senators to a meeting over a Bill, if there nothing incriminating. The Nigeria Police have taking their audacity too far.
6. Your Excellency, here is a Bill that has a lot of potentials for national rebirth and the Change Mantra. Nigerians cannot afford to have this Bill killed by corrupt-infested, greedy, unpatriotic and anti-development Nigeria Police and their collaborators in the National Assembly, for their selfish earns.
The NGO needs urgent Presidential expression of interest communicated to the National Assembly on this Bill, to get Bill passed, if the government is sincerely fighting corruption. Let the corrupt-infested and greedy Nigeria Police be probed and brought to book and overhaul. The Nigeria Police is the most greedy, corrupt and fraudulent institution in Nigeria. Those unpatriotic and anti-people’s Senators in support of Nigeria Police culpable fraud and greedy interest should be exposed, suspended and/or recalled by their various home Constituencies for receiving bribe and working against a Bill that supports the fight against corruption and equally out to create mass employment to Nigerians generally.
7. Your Excellency, the argument that, repositioning the Traffic Warden Service is a duplication of function and that the FRSC and the VIO performs the same function, is out of point, a mere baseless argument and unnecessary loopholes propounded by Nigeria Police to elicit support to trap the Bill. It is incontrovertible that, the FRSC and the VIO don’t control traffic. These Agencies don’t have the intra-city road traffic control as their primary function. They have their respective mandate and terrain of duty though, on the Road and the Vehicle. No other Agency performs full-time intra-city road traffic control than the Traffic Warden Service. The Warden Service Establishment had been in existence; Wardens have been working very hard, performing traffic control duties on the road for 43 years now, without recognition. The Road Traffic Control Function belongs to the Traffic Warden Service. The Nigeria Police are the Agency that is rather creating duplication in the subsector, by refusing to vacate the road traffic function, upon the establishment of the Traffic Warden Service. The Police are no longer relevant in the road traffic control subsector.
Even at when there is an advocacy to downsize or merge some Agencies in the Public Service, the Traffic Warden Service has to gain her deserved independence foremost and be de-merged from Nigeria Police, before any other arrangement. There is no sense in having Traffic Wardens continuously as parasites and functioning under the discretion and dictatorship of another Establishment. Such is no longer compulsory. Traffic Wardens are treated like errand boys in the Police institution; Wardens are denied equal opportunity, not given free hands to work; have no sense of belonging and unjustly relegated to the background in the Public Service. The Senate should not be deceived or be carried away be Nigeria Police dangling millions, greedy interest and unpatriotism, to lose their sense of moral judgment. The Police cannot afford to be in such complex functions like crime prevention, internal security of lives and properties (that the Police are yet to improve upon in their service delivery) and at the same instance have their eyes rapaciously on the road traffic control that is also a wide sprawling and complex function. Such is greediness and fraudulent. The Police have no business being in road traffic control function. The Nigeria Police should vacate the road traffic function and focus her energies on crime prevention and internal security. Road traffic control function is for the Traffic Warden Service.  

8. When repositioned and restructured, the Traffic Warden Service (under the above articulated Project) shall engage 1.4m Workforce; have the capacity to officially coordinate the road traffic activities and generate huge revenue/income comparatively from the various road traffic activities on daily, quarterly and annual basis into Federal Government Coffers, to support the economy. The Traffic Warden Service is not going to be a mere consumer Agency but a revenue yielding and contributory Agency.
The NGO has concluded plans to launch a N2.5Trn Traffic Warden Service Appeal Fund/Foundation to support the successful take-off of the Traffic Warden Service Project as soon as the National Assembly passed the Traffic Warden Service Bill as an Act. This is to fast-track the repositioning of the Traffic Warden Service; provide the Service with the necessary state-of-the-art Vehicles and logistics; build befitting edifice as Office accommodation and reorganize the Service for maximum service delivery. The NGO needs Presidential support to get these things done.

Long live Mr. President and C-in-C of the Armed Forces.
Long live the Traffic Warden Service
Long live Federal Republic of Nigeria.


For more info visit: http://www.vanctrawact.org.ng/

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