21st October, 2016.

His Excellency, President Mohammadu Buhari GCFR
President and Commander-in-Chief
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Aso Rock Villa, Three Arms Zone

Your Excellency,


With due respect to our dear President and Commander-in- Chief of the Armed Forces of Nigeria, President Mohammadu Buhari GCFR; I write on behalf of the above-named NGO to draw the attention of His Excellency and the incumbent Chief Economic Driver to the nation and other sincere well-wishers and patriotic Planners of the nation to the magnitude of the Traffic Warden Service Bill (SB100) currently at its final stage of passage to an Act of the National Assembly. We have to bring these issues to Mr. President, to be on the safe side, to collectively save the nation from the tendency of endemic official massive brigandage, corruption, illegalities, fraudulent, willful and recalcitrant act, insincerity, rebellion, hypocrisy, indiscipline and culpable unilateral actions and the negative manner things are done unabated in this part of the world. As demanded of us as patriots, there is need for Nigerians to embrace the Change mantra.
2. Your Excellency, the NGO’s attention is drawn to the Committee’s Report submitted by the Senate Committee on Police Affairs, to the Senate Plenary after the Public Hearing the Committee graciously conducted on the Traffic Warden Service Bill (SB100), that also berated and faulted Nigeria Police unilateral actions on Traffic Wardens and Nigeria Police noticeable campaign of calumny against the establishment of other Paramilitary Agencies that are meant to handle functions, to create division of labour, focus, efficiency and specialization in the Public Service. The Bill received overwhelming support from the Stakeholders during the Public Hearing, as no one presented counter argument to the passage of the Bill exception of the Police. The atmosphere on the event of the Public Hearing gave hope to Traffic Wardens; the dream of having their mother Service attaining her deserving independence after 43 years of interminable apprenticeship, modern slavery and labourious servitude under the regime of Nigeria Police unilateral impropriety.
However, it is worrisome that, the Committee’s Report conspicuously ignored and otherwise brushed aside most relevant factors raised by the NGO through her memorandum that supports and favoured the inevitable de-merge of the Traffic Warden Service from Nigeria Police though.  For instance:-
(a) The question of the Traffic Warden Service being a separate Establishment from that of

Nigeria Police; the unconscionable conscription of Traffic Wardens to come under the Nigeria Police without recourse to their Establishment, is not captured in the Report. Why would an Establishment set-up by the Federal Government for the purpose of rendering invaluable service to the public on the road; create opportunity for mass employment and to generate of income into the Coffers of the Federal Government be so intransigently undermined, ridiculed and brought under the dictatorship and/or overshadowed by another Establishment and made to rather remained a dependent and a parasitic Body without any form of development; Nigeria Police inhuman actions blocking all available opportunities opened for Traffic Wardens to excel in the Police institution particularly and the Public Service in general; relegates Traffic Wardens to the background; made Traffic Wardens to look inconsequential and have their rights inhumanly eroded and trampled upon while the Police intentionally hijacked and dominated Traffic Wardens on the road traffic control function and tactically mortgages the road traffic control function to other untrained Agencies. Above all, the same Nigeria Police takes solace in working hypocritically against the emancipation of the Traffic Warden Service. Such unilateral impropriety of a Police is NOT obtainable anywhere in the universe.
(b) The Report failed to outline the Court of Appeal judgment delivered by revered Jurists, that granted autonomy to the Traffic Warden Service on the 18th of May, 2000 and where the Nigeria Police unmindfully neglected the judgment and failed to challenge the ruling at the Supreme Court within the time frame.
(c) As fundamental as the complaints and submission of the NGO remains critical, exposing Nigeria Police unilateral and culpable actions and terrible social injustice meted out to Traffic Wardens, leading to unspeakable predicament; openly cheated on Traffic Wardens, relegated the Traffic Warden Service Personnel to the background irrespective of Wardens’ educational qualifications and experience, without a sense of belonging in the Public Service. Such Police unilateral actions caused the Traffic Wardens to suffer terrible social injustice, irreparable damages and irretrievable losses in the Public Service. The Report skipped it.
(d) The Report brushed aside the realities that, Crime Prevention, internal security of lives and properties and prosecution of Criminals and, the road traffic control function are two distinctive, sprawling and demanding functions that cannot be combined, handled and/or performed effectively by one Organization. The two functions requires proper attention, specialization and focus be given to each of them respectively. The Report failed to tell the Police point-blank that the Nigeria Police cannot cope combining these two sprawling functions of such magnitude under her umbrella of inefficient, unserious, incompetent and abysmal failed Organization. This is why there are leakages everywhere on the road traffic subsector. It is not possible for Nigeria Police to perform or be in these two functions and/or be expected to effectively deliver quality service.
(e)The Report shielded the massive corruption that the Nigeria Police indulges her Personnel in and the Billions garners from the road traffic subsector, where the Police fraudulently rob the Federal Government of such huge unremitted accruable income from the road. The laxity and the shoddiness, lack of interest or the zeal to perform the practical job of traffic control that also created a vacuum on the subsector which invariably led to where State Governments set-up individual traffic management Agencies to cover-up the yawning vacuum created by Nigeria Police rebellion, while the Police tactically mortgages the road traffic control function to these untrained Agencies, to the detriment of Traffic Wardens (the supposed owners of the function).
(f)The Report rather highlighted Police deceitful and propounded argument of duplication of function. That, the FRSC and the VIO performs the same job on the road. The FRSC and VIO don’t perform intra-city road traffic control. These Agencies are not stable. They perform their functions here and there. It is only Traffic Wardens that are always found permanently in road junctions controlling traffic. If the FRSC performs traffic control, why did the FRSC sponsored an amendment Bill in the NASS, in 2012, requesting to be allowed to take-over the shoddy and stage-managed intra-city road traffic control from Nigeria Police? If the FRSC and the VIO are performing the job of traffic control on the road, where then is the place of Traffic Wardens in the road traffic function? Why are the Police also on the road traffic control function? Why did the Police failed to complain or see the duplication of function in such quadrupled (Police/Traffic Wardens, FRSC and VIO) arrangement all these years. Now that the Police are expected to vacate the road traffic control function, courtesy of the TWS Bill, to allow Traffic Warden Service the leverage to squarely take charge and have focus on the traffic control function, it is now the Police are hypocritically crying wolf, raising and propounding implausible argument about the duplication of function. Such is uncalled for. The National Assembly has a duty to save the nation from such brazen act of rebellion and brigandage on our roads involving Nigeria Police, to sanitize the road and equally create mass employment through the Traffic Warden Service and, the need to overhaul the road traffic subsector. The Police are cheating on Nigeria so much. The Lawmakers should ignore Nigeria Police inconsistent, deceitful and implausible propounded argument. They should face their primary duty and leave the road. There is conspicuous increase in crime rate. The Nigeria Police should remain focused on crime prevention and leave the road traffic control for Traffic Wardens.
(g)The Report also failed to capture the pragmatic innovative and articulated ‘Traffic Warden Service Project’ meticulously put in place as advocated that is to overhaul, reshape and inject purposefulness in the road traffic control subsector; with the aim to revitalize, resuscitate and change the conventional method of traffic dispensing and where the road has to be made stress-free and flowing to the Road Users, devoid of the usual gridlocks and traffic congestion in our cities and urban towns; create mass employment for 1,400,000 Nigerians and millions of indirect jobs for service providers; curb loss of man-hours that is incessantly lost owing to the terrible hold-ups and, make the road beneficiary to the Government through official generation of revenue/income from the road traffic activities including the construction of High-Rise Commercial Car Parks at strategic points all over the metropolitan cities and urban towns.
3. Your Excellency, public interest override individual, personal or Nigeria Police interest. It is crystal clear that, the Police are mischief makers, hypocritically bent on maintaining her presence on the road traffic control subsector, at all cost to further their illicit business and fraudulent extortion tendency and corrupt intentions. That is where their interest lies rather than on the practical job of road traffic control service. With the reality that, Nigeria Police is NOT a revenue-yielding Organization; equally, the Police don’t maintain the roads. The Police should have no business collecting revenue from the road. Such is illegal and criminal. The Traffic Warden Service Bill is therefore a good radiance to end such bad rubbish.
The NGO and Traffic Wardens are not against the merging of Agencies that performs their functions around the road and the vehicle. Nevertheless, our prayer is that, the Traffic Warden Service should be de-merged first and the Nigeria Police compelled to vacate the road. The Traffic Warden Service has to attain her deserving independence foremost before any other arrangement could follow, if the need arise. The Traffic Warden Service is 43 years old by the year 2016, old enough to stand on her feet.
4. Your Excellency, Traffic Wardens don’t handle arms, Traffic Wardens are not crime fighters neither do Traffic Wardens have any other job they perform than the road traffic control function. Crime fighting or prevention of crime, internal security of lives and properties is for Nigeria Police while the road traffic control function belongs to the Traffic Warden Service. It is therefore reasonable to say that, the Traffic Warden Service don’t deserve to continue to remain with and/or working under the Nigeria Police, no matter whatever the Police are promising to do at this time. It is all a deceit. They are two strange Bird fellows. There is evidence of incompatibility. Such calls for the formal and inevitable de-merge of the Traffic Warden Service from Nigeria Police, courtesy of the passage of the Traffic Warden Service Bill (SB100) as an Act of the National Assembly. We enclose the booklet of our views and reminder, for your perusal, to press home the need to consider the passage of the Traffic Warden Service Bill. We need Mr. President to give his fatherly advice to the National Assembly on the Traffic Warden Service Bill.

Long Live the President and C-in-C of the Armed Forces.
Long live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

              JK. Johnsonapla Esq.
             National Coordinator,
      Traffic Warden Service Project.

CC: Sen. Ita Solomon Enang
       Snr. Special to Mr. President on National Assembly matters.

CC: Ordinary Ahmed Isah
      President, Brekete Family

20 November 2020 at 06:26

Pls, Mr President c-in-c of Nigeria army, have mercy on tws God bless you sir, more strength to rule our Nation.
God bless Nigeria.
