I thank You God, for
making her see another year; thanks for the gift of life; I'm eternally
grateful for all the blessings that You have given her that makes her
appreciates a good life, for the struggles You casted on her which made her stronger
and helped her realized the ideas of life's bitter sweet reality and most of
all for the love which is supported by guidance and protection which You
unconditionally gives through her ever beloved family and friends.
Thank You for all the experience of this past year; for times of
success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which
reminded her of her own weaknesses and of her need for You, for times of
joy when the sun was shining, for times of sadness which drove her to You.
Forgive her for the
hours she wasted, for the chances she failed to take, for the opportunities she
missed this past year. Help her in the
days ahead to make this the best year yet, and through it to bring good credit
to herself,
happiness and pride to her loved
ones, and joy to her.
For all that You gave her in the past years. Thank You for the sunshiny days and for the
sad and cloudy ones; for the calm afternoons and the dark nights; for the love
and for all beautiful and sweet things; for the flowers and the stars. Thank
You for health and sickness, for sorrows and joys. Thank You for all that You
gave her and all
that You asked of her. Thank
You Lord, for Your smiling face and friendly hand that kept her strong. Thank You for the
loneliness, for the work, for the worries, for the fears, for the difficulties
and the tears; and for everything that brought her closer to You.
Thank You for preserving her Life to see this day and all the wonders You've done in her Life. Thank You for having
kept her alive,
for having given her shelter,
warmth and nourishment. Thank you, Lord, for having given her friends and dear ones. I
thank You God for giving her Good
Health and the Bounteous Blessings You continue to Shower on her. Who is she without You God!
Clay Moulded Statue Breathe into! A mere Sculptural work in Your Hand!
Thank You Lord, for all the kindness You have shown her. Thank You, Father, for
Your great love in giving her life,
for Your great patience in preserving her despite her sinfulness,
for Your protection in the past and for the opportunity to serve and honour You
in the future. Thank You Lord, for keeping her numberless times from sin and death by the toils of Your life,
the sufferings of Your Passion, and by Your victorious resurrection. Thank You,
Holy Spirit of God, for bestowing so many graces upon her soul and for having so
frequently renewed Your life within her.
May her life,
from now on, be a sign of her gratefulness.
Thank you for guiding her, for
commanding every direction that she takes in her life. I also want to thank You for
bringing in and taking out all whom You felt needed to come through her life, because everyone has
a season. I want to thank you for all that You have done and all that You continue
to do for her, You
brought love, hope and great changes into her life. You wrap her
and all that is hers in your hands, love, protection and provided
in every way that is possible and beyond.
God all I can say is thank You so much for blessing her indeed, without You she is nothing but with You she has everything she'll ever
need. I know she loves You Lord, THANK YOU Father God for the Grace. Lord, I
pray You make her a better
person as she continues
to add more years on this terrestrial earth; I ask You for faith for her to see
You in everything and everybody; hope, that she may not dismay; and charity to love You and others more each day;
and to let You be loved among those around her. Strengthen and provide for her so that she'll be
able to give more to the needy.
I thank God for giving her another Year to be Productive and Proactive, to share her life and be a blessing to
other people. It's another year to dream, to live, to enjoy, to share, to
celebrate, and to execute whatever left unexecuted in her Life. I pray that You always
guide her and help
her be better
person every day in other to be more Focused in Life and be more Dedicated into
the Struggle she is involved in, to continue to Fight for that which she believes; to die for the
Ideal that will Live and not to Live for an Ideal that will Die.
I Cherish and Treasure You as a friend Christy; God Bless You!
Happy Birthday My
Dear!!!!!! ***BigSmile***
From: Fred Augustine
Fredtech Blog (http://www.fredaugustine.blogspot.com)